Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Gov and Rachel do the marriage thing in Thorndon, where Nosher is on church organ duty for the service. After the gig, the couple head over to the reception on a "Little Grey Fergie" tractor. The reception is being held at a barn in Hestley Green, just outside Thorndon, where there's a disco as well as The Harvs, who play a couple of sets live from the balcony above the dance floor. Sue arranges a minibus to haul us all over from The Swan, which adds to the fun.

next album: Aldeburgh, Sprogs, and The BBs at Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk - 10th February 2008
previous album: Organ Practice, Swiss Fondue and Curry With Gov, Thorndon, Cambridge and Diss - 27th January 2008

The almost-empty Thorndon church, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The almost-empty Thorndon church

Lighting candles in the church, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Lighting candles in the church

The two [Shaun/Sean]s, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The two [Shaun/Sean]s

Outside the church, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Outside the church

Rachel, Gov and a tiny bridesmaid, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel, Gov and a tiny bridesmaid

Classic wedding group, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Classic wedding group

Carmen, Martina and Wavy, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Carmen, Martina and Wavy

Bill, Carmen, Martina and Wavy, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Bill, Carmen, Martina and Wavy

Another family group, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Another family group

Carmen and Bill, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Carmen and Bill

The wedding photographer is in action, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The wedding photographer is in action

Steve and other guests, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Steve and other guests

Gov and Rachel head out of the church, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Gov and Rachel head out of the church

Confetti is thrown about in the winter wind, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Confetti is thrown about in the winter wind

Rachel and Gov get a snog, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel and Gov get a snog

Rachel and Gov and a shower of confetti, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel and Gov and a shower of confetti

Gov and Rachel on the trailer, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Gov and Rachel on the trailer

Mikey P attends to the much-needed travel blanket, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Mikey P attends to the much-needed travel blanket

The TE120 is ready to go, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The TE120 is ready to go

The little grey tractor, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The little grey tractor

The tractor pulls out onto the street, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The tractor pulls out onto the street

Travelling in style, towards Hestley, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Travelling in style, towards Hestley

The sign says it all, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The sign says it all

The remaining wedding guests mill around outside the church, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The remaining wedding guests mill around outside the church

Bill, Wavy, Martina and Carmen, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Bill, Wavy, Martina and Carmen

The vicar has amusingly altered the security notice, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The vicar has amusingly altered the security notice

Gov and Rachel get in an early dance, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Gov and Rachel get in an early dance

Rachel and her diminutive dance partner, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel and her diminutive dance partner

Clare, Carmen and Isobel show some moves, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Clare, Carmen and Isobel show some moves

Hands in the air, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Hands in the air

Martina and Isobel clink glasses, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Martina and Isobel clink glasses

A group of linked arms, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

A group of linked arms

Wedding reception guests, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Wedding reception guests

Dave Lock throws some really funky shapes, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Dave Lock throws some really funky shapes

Ian 'The Harvs' Harvey tunes up, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Ian 'The Harvs' Harvey tunes up

Liam gets ready for the second set up on the balcony, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Liam gets ready for the second set up on the balcony

Marc takes a photo, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Marc takes a photo

Nosher does the trademark 'stupid face', Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Nosher does the trademark 'stupid face'

Bill is caught unawares, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Bill is caught unawares

Marc steams in with some dance moves, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Marc steams in with some dance moves

Wavy has a go of the veil, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Wavy has a go of the veil

Rachel shows a bit of leg, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel shows a bit of leg

A comedic expression from Gov, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

A comedic expression from Gov

Rachel whirls around with DH in tow, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Rachel whirls around with DH in tow

Suey and Carmen, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Suey and Carmen

Gov flips out, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Gov flips out

Mikey P takes Marc from behind, much to his surprise, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

Mikey P takes Marc from behind, much to his surprise

The crowd wait for the off, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The crowd wait for the off

The car drives off, Gov and Rachel's Wedding, Thorndon, Suffolk - 2nd February 2008

The car drives off

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

The almost-empty Thorndon church

The almost-empty Thorndon church

Lighting candles in the church

The two [Shaun/Sean]s

Outside the church

Rachel, Gov and a tiny bridesmaid

Classic wedding group

Carmen, Martina and Wavy

Bill, Carmen, Martina and Wavy

Another family group

Carmen and Bill

The wedding photographer is in action

Steve and other guests

Gov and Rachel head out of the church

Confetti is thrown about in the winter wind

Rachel and Gov get a snog

Rachel and Gov and a shower of confetti

Gov and Rachel on the trailer

Mikey P attends to the much-needed travel blanket

The TE120 is ready to go

The little grey tractor

The tractor pulls out onto the street

Travelling in style, towards Hestley

The sign says it all

The remaining wedding guests mill around outside the church

Bill, Wavy, Martina and Carmen

The vicar has amusingly altered the security notice

Gov and Rachel get in an early dance

Rachel and her diminutive dance partner

Clare, Carmen and Isobel show some moves

Hands in the air

Martina and Isobel clink glasses

A group of linked arms

Wedding reception guests

Dave Lock throws some really funky shapes

Ian 'The Harvs' Harvey tunes up

Liam gets ready for the second set up on the balcony

Marc takes a photo

Nosher does the trademark 'stupid face'

Bill is caught unawares

Marc steams in with some dance moves

Wavy has a go of the veil

Rachel shows a bit of leg

A comedic expression from Gov

Rachel whirls around with DH in tow

Suey and Carmen

Gov flips out

Mikey P takes Marc from behind, much to his surprise

The crowd wait for the off

The car drives off