A BSCC Presentation, and Matt's Wedding Reception, Solihull - 6th October 2007

Matt and Nikki get married in Firenze, but for those not involved in the "Italian Job" (as well, of course, for those who were), there's a follow-up reception when they return, held at the Marriott Renaissance hotel in Matt's home-town of Solihull (it's bostin'!). The evening's festivities are added to by the occasional visits of 70's-themed gatecrashers from the corporate do that's going on in the next-door ballroom. A week or so before that, the BSCC has its charity presentation in the Brome Swan, which this time is going to the Motor Neurone Disease Society.

next album: A Road Trip in an MX-5, and Athlete at the UEA, Lavenham and Norwich - 14th October 2007
previous album: Blackrock and Dublin, Ireland - 24th September 2007

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Spammy presents the giant novelty cheque

Spammy presents the giant novelty cheque

A cycle club group shot with the cheque

The Motor Neurone rep hauls the cheque away

Jen, Suey and John Willy

Matt, with his mum and gran

Fizz is passed out for the toast

The bridesmaids get presents

The reception room

Matt and Nikki cut the cake

Wigs and funky shades

A bright pink jump suit

The big wig dude

Nosher tries the wig on

Isobel gives the wig a go too

Some dancing occurs

Wedding dancing

Matt's got some moves

There's more aig-guitar going off around the room

More wedding dancing

That 70's crowd again

Matt, Nikki and guests

An infinite line of Isobels in the lift

Timber frames in Stratford upon Avon

Green fuzz-balls and timbers in the Garrick Inn

Carvings in the Garrick Inn's timbers

HSBC has a nice gold-leaf Shakespeare going on

A black-and-white dog by black-and-white buildings

Nash's House and New Place

The interior of the chapel near to Nash's House

Some Mediaeval wall paintings

The new chapel in the church

A Great Dane on the streets of Stratford

A motor-tricycle plays country music to the world

Isobel outside Shakespeare's house

Tourists outside Bill's pad

Henley Street in Stratford

Isobel roams around Shakespeare's house

Bill's pad: Shakespeare's house

The house on Henley Street

A couple of girls eat chips near K6 phone boxes

A barge down by the river

A floating art gallery

Many swans on the river

A throng of wildfowl

Some dude feeds the multitude of swans

A longboat comes in through the lock

The River Avon

Nosher does some rowing

Isobel has a go at rowing too

We slow down so the ferry can cross the river

Another longboat goes through the lock

The lock gates are closed

The narrowboat 'Wild Hare' pulls in to the lock

The gardens of Nash's house