At Taptu, Stef hauls out a heap of hard drives
It's about half way, calendar-wise, between Nosher's 40th and Isobel's 30th, and in a spirit of a couple of previous parties which came to be known as "Bromestock", it's decided to hold number three. A shed is purchased in order to clear out the landing; a real festival-style portable toilet is hired and a vintage Atari and VIC-20 are set up for a bit of retro gaming fun; camping is arranged and a couple of spare tents are set up and barley-straw bales are bought in courtesy of The Boy Phil and Wavy. However, it's getting a bit tense as, apart from the Brussels massive who'd arrive in the morning, no-one had turned up by 7pm. Luckily though, there was a big influx shortly after, and thus the barbeque was fired up to feed the thirty-or-so people, with a good mix from Brome, Cambridge and Belgium.
next album: The Shivers Live at the Portland Arms, Cambridge - 26th August 2007
previous album: Liviu and Christina's Wedding Day, Babraham, Cambridge - 11th August 2007
At Taptu, Stef hauls out a heap of hard drives
A big stash of 500GB hard disks
Sophie's up a tree again
Sophie looks out
The new shed arrives
Isobel helps out with power tools
The shed goes up
The shed is virtually complete
Party beer
The pin is tapped and foams away
Wavy and The Boy Phil arrive with bales
Isobel watches as Natan plays piano
People hang around on the bales and eat barbeque
Ninja M, Paul, Wavy and The Boy Phil
Hani does a 'The Thinker'
Isntruments are set up
Marc and Suey in the kitchen
Isobel in the kitchen
Paul, Jen and Simon
Some of the Cambridge massive
The gazebo in the garden
The front garden resembles a car park
Wavy scopes the food out
Cakes from Brussels are brought out
People queue up for cake
Isobel plays a bit of piano
Jules hands out cake, as Pieter cuts slices
Carmen and Suey due the Hula Hoop thing
Marc looks through photos
Marc finds some embarassing photos
DH appears, as more photos are looked at
On the stairs
Nosher and the nerd tee-shirt
Janet and James
Candles in the night
Anne plays PacMan on a VIC-20
Hani holds a Sinclair ZX Spectrum
The Boy Phil has a bit of a kip
Bill takes a photo of Marc's arse
The next morning, the car park is quieter
Matt's van in the morning
The remains of the 'stage'
What's left of the bales
A pile of empty bottles
Matt's van, and the Portaloo
The hall floor is covered in straw
A demolished kitchen
Isobel and a sleepy Natan
Isobel and the Brussels Boys
Pieter does sausages for breakfast
Pieter has a bit of a flambé moment
Pieter washes up
Breakfast on the bales
Garden gazebos
Pieter hurls the boys around
The boys, in descending order of age
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
At Taptu, Stef hauls out a heap of hard drives
A big stash of 500GB hard disks
Sophie's up a tree again
Sophie looks out
The new shed arrives
Isobel helps out with power tools
The shed goes up
The shed is virtually complete
Party beer
The pin is tapped and foams away
Wavy and The Boy Phil arrive with bales
Isobel watches as Natan plays piano
People hang around on the bales and eat barbeque
Ninja M, Paul, Wavy and The Boy Phil
Hani does a 'The Thinker'
Isntruments are set up
Marc and Suey in the kitchen
Isobel in the kitchen
Paul, Jen and Simon
Some of the Cambridge massive
The gazebo in the garden
The front garden resembles a car park
Wavy scopes the food out
Cakes from Brussels are brought out
People queue up for cake
Isobel plays a bit of piano
Jules hands out cake, as Pieter cuts slices
Carmen and Suey due the Hula Hoop thing
Marc looks through photos
Marc finds some embarassing photos
DH appears, as more photos are looked at
On the stairs
Nosher and the nerd tee-shirt
Janet and James
Candles in the night
Anne plays PacMan on a VIC-20
Hani holds a Sinclair ZX Spectrum
The Boy Phil has a bit of a kip
Bill takes a photo of Marc's arse
The next morning, the car park is quieter
Matt's van in the morning
The remains of the 'stage'
What's left of the bales
A pile of empty bottles
Matt's van, and the Portaloo
The hall floor is covered in straw
A demolished kitchen
Isobel and a sleepy Natan
Isobel and the Brussels Boys
Pieter does sausages for breakfast
Pieter has a bit of a flambé moment
Pieter washes up
Breakfast on the bales
Garden gazebos
Pieter hurls the boys around
The boys, in descending order of age