A 6cm moth lands in the upstairs office at work

A 6cm moth lands in the upstairs office at work

Isobel rustles up a stir-fry

Some kind of abandoned dinner ends up in newspaper

The A14 is hosed again

The audience gathers in the grounds of St. John's

The crowds wait for Shakespeare

Francis and Isobel

Picnic scenes in the grounds of St. John's College

The Shakespeare audience

The actors take a curtain call

The performance is over

Chasing a football on Parker's Piece

More football action

A game of footie takes place in Parker's Piece

The Reality Checkpoint

People on Parker's Piece

Cranes loom over Cambridge

More football on Parker's Piece

The sun sets of Parker's Piece

Church spires

Construction cranes

Motionless traffic on the A14

Stacked traffic

The A14 is stationary for miles

A dude on a phone, and a Post Kogeko driver

People get out of their cars and just hang around

The Post Kogeko heavy

A whole line of heavies in the shimmering heat

Sitting on the tarmac

A line of vehicles

Surveying the scene

Looking back down the A14, towards Bury St Edmunds

A police 'spotter chopper' surveys the scene

The sign says it all really

The coppers cordon off huge swathes of road