A BSCC Splinter Group Camping Trip, Shottisham, Suffolk - 13th August 2004

The BSCC's "splinter group" does its annual camping trip, this year to St Margaret's Campsite in Shottisham near Woodbridge in Suffolk - possibly the world's most lackadaisically-run site, notwithstanding the owner eventually letting us off for pitching in the wrong field. This year was a gentler 30-odd-mile ride from Shottisham through Bawdsey, across the ferry to Felixstowe Ferry, through Walton, up to Woodbridge and back. As expected, various pubs were involved on the way.

next album: A Postcard From Athens: A Day Trip to the Olympics, Greece - 19th August 2004
previous album: A Brome Swan Trip to Calais and the Battery Todt, Cap Gris Nez, France - 11th August 2004

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Nosher plays a bit of piano (X)

The rules of the pub, 1786 style

Suey and Marc

Apple and Pippa

DH talks to the landlord, Ken, about Chain Home

Ninja M is armed with his comfort blankey

DH and a bottle of Leffe from a recent France trip

Suey, Jen and Bill

Marc flops out a massive packet... of biscuits

Marc hands the groin bisuits around

Marc shows of a partially-masticated biscuit

The next morning, it's mugs of tea for most

Bill's cooking something up

Apple peers over to check on the sausages

Apple goes for his bike

Outside the Ramsholt Arms, on the River Deben

The River Deben

The gang outside the Ramsholt Arms

The assembled group looks out over the river

A brief stop in Alderton

The Deben Ferry is summoned by bat

Apple waits around

Bill waves the bat to get the ferry

Boats on the river at Felixstowe Ferry

We await the ferry

Jen has a quick paddle

Suey writes her name in the sand

DH is stuck at the stern behind all the bikes

Apple, The Boy Phil and Suey

Bill and Ninja M

We pay the ferryman

Back on shore at Felixstowe Ferry

The Boy Phil

Ninja and Phil pish their bikes through a boatyard

Milling around outside the Ferry Boat Inn

Pippa, Jen and Suey inside the pub

Pip and Apple have a beer

The Boy Phil picks a flower off

Phil, Jon and Jen

We're off again towards Woodbridge

On the way to Walton we spot a load of tractors

More vintage tractors trundle by

Phil and DH

Pub-sign humour at the Half Moon, Walton

Marc, Suey and Bill in the Half Moon

Some regular freaks out

Pip and Apple

The gang in the Half Moon

Nosher plays a bit of piano

A pub car park somewhere

Suey and Bill are a bit big for the slide

In a beer garden

Marc flakes out for a bit

The very pretty Fox Inn at Newbourne

The pub called time, so we have to bugger off

A field of pumpkins

The Red Lion, on the edge of Martlesham

Nosher has another beer

Suey looks at caterpillars with a printer's loupe

The Wilford Bridge, on the edge of Woodbridge

The beer garden of the Wilford Bridge

Apple and Pip on the bridge over the Deben

We cycle past a huge field of lush green turf

Back at base: the Sorrel Horse

More beer in the evening

Carolyn comes along to join us

DH scopes out the menu

Claire from the pub comes to take our orders

Time for dinner

Marc shows off his finished crab

Bill has guffed again

The gang at dinner

Ken chats to Carolyn

Claire and Ken

Claire wakes Marc up with a big stick

Bill gets a plaster after a shredding from Bagheira

Pippa's picnic basket

Another morning, another camp fry up

Tent city

Apple lurks behind the tent