A Rainy Barbeque at the Swan Inn, Brome, Suffolk - 15th June 2002

There's a barbeque up the Brome Swan, however the weather's not cooperating and so it involves more umbrellas and parasols than usual. It's also possibly the legendary time when Francis did a dump in the bogs that smelled like fermenting sileage on a hot day.

next album: A Hard-Drive Clock and Other Projects, Brome, Suffolk - 28th June 2002
previous album: 3G Lab Watersports Fun Day, Wyboston, Bedfordshire - 8th June 2002

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Nosher's laundry pile, on the floor and why not

Nosher's laundry pile, on the floor and why not

The new-ish lawn is coming up nicely

Hardy barbeque-ers huddle under umbrellas

Colin, John, Pippa and Apple huddle under trees

There's another cluster under a gazebo

Wavy scopes out food, whilst Nigel helps out

Ian and Lorraine swing by for food

Bomber Langdon hides up

Nigel shows off his lunch

Nigel's got a burger and a low parasol

Spam and Jill with umbrellas

Apple grabs some meat

Wavy taps a beer

Alan and Bomber Langdon play Petanque

A parasol collapses

More hiding under a low parasol

Marc takes it easy in the trees

A soggy Nigel gets a beer

John Willy, Nigel, Apple and DH

Umbrellas everywhere

Ping-pong Peter flings a boule

Spammy brings the parasol over to check the score

The huddled masses

The action moves indoors

Wavy and Apple on table football

Colin does some indoor bowls

Wavy wins a point on table football

Marc sticks some more money in

Suey and Colin continue with carpet bowls

The pub

The gang has all moved indoors

Suey's on the cider

Suey, DH and Pippa

Sylvia brings a birthday cake out

It's Lorraine's birthday as well

Suey hides behind beer mats

Suey holds up some beer mats

Nosher and the arse-shaped chin

Spammy and Alan at the bar

John Willy gives some hugs out

The gang

The lads venture into the bogs

Suey and John Willy

There's all sorts going on

Marc and DH

Marc does the 'hair monster' thing

Nigel prepares for a trip to the bogs

Nosher comes out of the toilets, gasping for air