It starts snowing outside Nosher's pad

It starts snowing outside Nosher's pad

It starts snowing

Nosher's Christmas lounge

A roaring fireplace

Random people in the Swan, early doors

Spammy with a random group

DH and his mum

Syvlia comes in after a freezing trip outside

John Willy and Sylvia in the kitchen

John gives Lorraine a hug

Nosher, Tony 'T-Shirt' and DH

John Willy and Spam

Ian C, Peter Allen and Ninja M

Wavy and Spammy

Spam and Roger

Graham, Ian and Roger

Spammy grabs John from behind

John Willy gets a hug from Spam

Tony T-Shirt and John Willy

Roger points his thumb at some friends

Alan, Spam and John Willy

John Willy gives it the thumbs up

John gets his legs out

Spam holds hands

DH isn't sure about some streamers

Graham gives John Willy a hug

New Year crowds in the Swan