Uni: A Wyndham Square Economics Party, Stonehouse, Plymouth - 10th July 1989

There's a bit of a thrash around the Wyndham Square pad, held in Angela and Kate's flat downstairs. Special guest is John Maloney, one of our BABS economics lecturers, who no doubt chatted about monetary policy and so forth.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Uni: Risky Business, A Wedding Occurs and Dave Leaves, Wyndham Square, Plymouth - 15th July 1989
previous album: Uni: Horse Riding on Dartmoor, and Nosher's Bedroom, Shaugh Prior and Plymouth - 8th July 1989

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Andrew, Michelle and John Maloney

Andrew, Michelle and John Maloney

A bit of dinner

Becky, Kate and Andy Dobie get the giggles

Michelle and John Maloney talk about Keynes

Kate gets the coffee sorted

Andrew, Rebecca and John

Becky DH and John Maloney

Nosher, at the back

Kate uncorks a bottle of fizz

Laffs all round

Rebecca Drummond-Hall

Becky and Kate in Kate's room

Dobbs offers out his fags

More discussions

Michelle and the boys on John Smiths