Uni: The Pirate RAG Hit Squad, Plymouth Polytechnic, Devon - 8th February 1987

The RAG Hit Squad is in action, and this year they could be commissioned to target anyone, anywhere - including a Science Block lesson - with their mix of flour, water, eggs, worse, or everything at once. A couple of weeks before that, we're in the car park of the Theatre Royal where PPSU president Mark Wilkins and bar manager Roy Gardner are presenting a RAG cheque to Paul Henry, aka Benny from Crossroads, for Children in Need.

next album: Uni: Pirate RAG Bash, Games Nights and Brian's Beard, PPSU, Plymouth - 10th February 1987
previous album: Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Paul Henry accepts a cheque from Mark and Roy

Paul Henry accepts a cheque from Mark and Roy

Someone gets a flouring in the SU pyramid

The end result of a few shaving-foam pies

A paper plate of shaving foam

A blurry victim

A plastic cup is caught in mid air

People hang around outside the SU entrance

The Hit Squad runs up from the Engineering Block armed with buckets

There's a rumble with buckets

A confrontation builds

Someone's got a bin on the head

All-out flour war

A mass flour bundle

There's a massive cloud of flour

The flour battle continues

The war continues

Goo from cans is tipped out

A Hit Squad victim

The Hit Squad moves in

A victim cowers

There's a hit in the Science block

A foamed science student

A lunchtime victim

Someone gets attacked with a smelly sock

Karen Wilkins and others in the SU offices

Some balaclava Hit Squad members

Another victim

The victim wanders off

This one got off lightly

Unspeakable yellow goo is poured over a vitim

Everything is tipped on

The hit Squad moves off after a flouring on the stage

A victim struggles to stand up under the weight of goo

An egged victim

Time to reflect, whilst covered in foam

The Hit Squad is ready with shaving-foam pies

The Hit Squad is unmasked in the SU office

A Hit Squad members gives it two fingers

The Hit Squad in disguise, apart from Dunwoody