A New Playground and Container Mountain, Eye, Suffolk - 7th November 2021

It's a bit of a round-up of randomness as there's a small protest aimed at COP26 down by the Mere in Diss, then we're up to Fox's Marina in Ipswich to buy some life vests in anticipation of picking up a canoe. Then, there's a brief stop to visit the nationally-famous Container Mountain that's appeared on the edge of Eye Airfield, just down the road. After that, we visit the newly-rebuilt playground on the Town Moors in Eye, where we also go to check up on the memorial tree we planted to remember Isobel's friend Anita - a walnut sapling that came from our own walnut tree in the back garden.

next album: Brome Village Hall's 50th Anniversary, Brome, Suffolk - 12th November 2021
previous album: The Volcanoes of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain - 27th October 2021

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There's a new container mountain up the road

There's a new container mountain up the road

There's a COP26 protest down by the Mere

Environmental protests at Mere's Mouth

Wavy and Oak are watching the demonstration

We're down at the Chandlers in Fox's Marina

The River Orwell, looking down to Pin Mill

The Orwell Bridge

The Orwell Bridge with Ipswich docks behind

A wide view of the Orwell Bridge

The boys score some takeaway

There's a football match on at Portman Road

Boris is being Stripey Stair Cat

Boris and his pink pads

The container mountain has grown

The famous Suffolk container mountain

Thousands of empty shipping containers

The road is fairly blocked

The autumnal road to Thornham

Fred's made a cool Halloween costume

Harry's got a Scream mask on

The boys test the new playground out in Eye

The boys have a good swing

Harry and Fred in the new playground

Skate park graffiti

More graffiti in the sun

Isobel heads off around the Town Moors woods

The old Havensfield chicken sheds

A bench in the woods

There's some more planting near Anita-tree

Our walnut tree is still going

Isobel looks at Anita-tree

Trees reach for the sky

Isobel takes a photo of the memorial tree

Curious wooden stumps in the pond

Snoopy graffiti

A collection of derelict industrial buildings

Isobel and Harry in the Kebab shop

Isobel waits for a pizza

The boys have a small pizza lunch in the boot

There's some tree surgery down the road