Harry and Fred make a start on presents

Harry and Fred make a start on presents

Harry gets some more Lego

Isobel gets something surprising and unexpected

Isobel gets a violin for Christmas

Millie the Mooch watches events

Harry starts making Lego, in the way of everything

Mille the Invisible Cat watches events unfolding

Fred tries out a Harry Potter quill

Fred's also got the latest Wimpy Kid book

We chat to Bill in Paul and Claire's new kitchen

Isabella and Fred hang out with Flash the cat

Flash, the ginger cat

Fred and Harry are enjoying the electric sofa

Back home, and Isobel is doing some food prep

We head over to the Oaksmere for a swiftie

Harry and his Lego dragon

Isobel and Fred play Top Trumps

Harry waves around a Lego dragon

Grandad appears

Christmas Dinner occurs

The boys build a Lego Hogwarts

The boys are in Harry's room

Isobel has fixed the 'milk for Santa' bottle