The Shakesbeer Festival, Star Wing Brewery, Redgrave, Suffolk - 13th July 2019

It's the second "Shakesbeer" festival at Star Wing Brewery on the edge of Redgrave, deep in the Suffolk countryside. As the name suggests, it's a mash-up of beer festival with music and outdoor theatrical performances of Shakespeare - this year featuring Twelfth Night. We camp over in the van so we can make the most of the twenty or so beers on plus the evening entertainment from Mick the Baker's band, with former The BBs guitarist Rob on duty.

next album: The Sheep Trail, Eye, Suffolk - 20th July 2019
previous album: A Postcard from Boxford and BSCC at Pulham, Suffolk and Norfolk - 13th July 2019

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Crowds mingle around in the sun

Crowds mingle around in the sun

There's some funky jazz on

Funky jazz on stage

Pouring a pint

Jimmy talks to someone

A dog looks up eagerly

There's a product demo of electric motorbikes

There's a mazzive queue for a food van

People head off to the amphitheatre

The actors are in some sort of pre-amble

The audience assembles

There's an introduction to the play

Some acting occurs

The cast take applause at the end of the play

The cast is beamed into space

Rob Huckfield's on guitar

Mick the Baker

The sax player roams around

Rob does more twanging

Mick gets up to Rob's guitar

The crowd is loving it

The sax player returns from a tour of the audience

Mick the Baker on backing Spanish guitar

Mick has a laff

The sax dude plays two horns at once

More crowd adulation

Fred is absorbed by the band

One of the actors gives some adulation

Outside, there's an empty tent doing nothing

The next morning, Isobel sits in a camp chair

Isobel by the van

The van in a Star Wing field

Redgrave church of St. Mary's

Gravestones lean on the church wall

Isobel walks back with bacon sarnies

Fred legs it back from the tap room