Isobel checks her phone

Isobel checks her phone

The boys play with Harry's plastic transformer

An impressive column in the caves

Some more stalactite action

Another part of the cave

Milling people give a proper sense of scale

Places with light have got 'the green disease'

Harry and Isobel exit the cave

More spiky stalactites

Harry and Isobel on a road bridge

The Acueducto del Águila, built in the Roman style

Some sort of derelict building

Fred on the road to Nerja

We rock up in Frigiliana

The view from the car park in Frigiliana

Harry looks to buy something

Fred checks out how much is in his purse

The boys have a swing around

Tourist coaches and the mini train

Fred plays a market-stall ocharina

Blankets and South American stuff

A view from the tourist train

Funky tiled sign

We're constantly amused to see actual orange trees

The train stops by this impressive gorge

Harry and Fred peer over the edge

The tourist train has caused a blockage

Frigiliana street scene

Isobel and Fred check out the tapas in Bandolero

We stuff our faces with tapas

The gang pose outside the Bandolero

Climbing up steps soon becomes a bit of a 'thing'

The derelict sugar-cane factory

The remains of an industrial past

Harry grows weary of climbing up steps

Harry watches a little theatrical peep-hole thing

Harry gets sprayed with water and finds it amusing

A stocky, stripey, ginger cat

We climb all the way up to the top of the town

The boys find another cat

Isobel on a wall, two hundred metres above the town

A fearless cat stands on a wall

Amusing cacti on a windowsill

More steep steps

Fred plays his ocharina again

The whitewashed streets of Frigiliana

There's yet another cat - it's the land of cats

We stop for some cheese and pastries

The boys return to their 'Lego Movie'

Fred and Harry work on their stop-motion film

We say hello to Mini, the sort-of-resident cat

Fred sits on a wall

We wander down to 'lower Capistrano'

Time for a drink in the very ex-pat Cave Bar

On the long walk back to the Capuchinos

We stop off for a beer in La Parra - our regular