Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

After discovering that car hire for our two-week trip to Ireland was nearly as much again as the holiday itself, it was decided that Nosher would drive our own car over to Kerry instead and pick up Isobel and the boys from Kerry Airport. This first required a 4.5 hour drive to Liverpool, which would have been fine apart from trapped nerve in the lower back which went off about four hours before leaving, and which involved almost getting trapped in the bogs at Sandbach Services on the M6, thanks to some extreme pain. Nosher's last visit to Liverpool had been on a school trip to the two cathedrals back in around 1977, and so it was good to have a couple of extra hours to go and visit "Paddy's Wigwam", otherwise known as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, for the second time. And in an almost-unique reversal of childhood memories - completely unlike, say, Wagon Wheels - it actually seemed a lot bigger now than it did at the time. Sadly, the cathedral itself was closed for a service, so it wasn't possible to check whether the inside still smelled like a densist's surgery - another memory from the first visit. The biggest revelation though was reserved for the journey from the cathedral to the Port of Liverpool near Bootle, where unexpectedly epic scenes of dereliction were beheld - mile after mile of abandoned warehouses and now-cleared wasteland hinted at both how staggeringly vast the docks of Liverpool once were and just how much they have disappeared since. The knackered back didn't allow much walking-based exploration, but it was absolutely amazing and was probably worth a whole day of poking around in its own right. Eventually, after checking on board the overnight freight ferry and crashing out in the cabin for eight hours, arrival in Dublin occurred at about 5.30am, so there was a bit of time to swing by Da Gorls' house, as they're always up at stupid o'clock anyway, and crash out for a couple of extra hours before the 3.5 hour drive down to Kerry Airport in Ireland's south west, and beyond to our first port of call - Baile an Sceilg, deep in the Gaeltacht.

next album: Baile an Sceilg to An tSnaidhme, Co. Kerry, Ireland - 31st July 2017
previous album: A SwiftKey Innovation Week, Paddington, London - 27th July 2017

The derelict Littlewood's building is spotted, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The derelict Littlewood's building is spotted

The epic derelict Littlewood's Building, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The epic derelict Littlewood's Building

The J&C Moores Ltd building, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The J&C Moores Ltd building

The Celtic Corner pub in Liverpool, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The Celtic Corner pub in Liverpool

Chinese takeaway on Green Lane, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Chinese takeaway on Green Lane

Liverpool's Catholic cathedral, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Liverpool's Catholic cathedral

View of the Anglican cathedral from the steps, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

View of the Anglican cathedral from the steps

The cathedral's central 'wigwam', Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The cathedral's central 'wigwam'

Modernist sculpture, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Modernist sculpture

The streets of Liverpool through stained glass, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The streets of Liverpool through stained glass

Great Orford Street and some basic graffiti, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Great Orford Street and some basic graffiti

The revamped Albert Dock, near the Liver Building, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The revamped Albert Dock, near the Liver Building

An epic derelict warehouse, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

An epic derelict warehouse

Cleared docks, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Cleared docks

Derelict wet dock and clock tower, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Derelict wet dock and clock tower

Some of the acres and acres of cleared wasteland, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Some of the acres and acres of cleared wasteland

More of the epic derelict warehouse, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

More of the epic derelict warehouse

Clarence Graving (Dry) Dock, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Clarence Graving (Dry) Dock

Some business cling on near Clarence Graving Dock, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Some business cling on near Clarence Graving Dock

An old swing-bridge control room, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

An old swing-bridge control room

A warehouse that looks like an aircraft hangar, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

A warehouse that looks like an aircraft hangar

More derelict warehouses, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

More derelict warehouses

Down at Liverpool Port, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Down at Liverpool Port

Nosher's room for the night, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Nosher's room for the night

The Winkies in Dublin Bay at around 5am, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The Winkies in Dublin Bay at around 5am

The new Poolbeg Generating Station, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The new Poolbeg Generating Station

Poolbeg, near the Winkies, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Poolbeg, near the Winkies

A view from the ferry, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

A view from the ferry

Looking up the Liffey, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Looking up the Liffey

Nosher's car and random other vehicles, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Nosher's car and random other vehicles

The Odlums silos on the docks, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The Odlums silos on the docks

Nosher drives through Killarney to kill time, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Nosher drives through Killarney to kill time

Street and barbershop in Killarney, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Street and barbershop in Killarney

Farranfore station in the rain, after a car kip, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Farranfore station in the rain, after a car kip

Bridge over the railway at Farranfore, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Bridge over the railway at Farranfore

Farranfore station manages to look derelict, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Farranfore station manages to look derelict

Isobel and the boys pile out of Kerry airport, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Isobel and the boys pile out of Kerry airport

Crowds outside Kerry Airport, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Crowds outside Kerry Airport

Cashing in on the Force Awakens connection, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Cashing in on the Force Awakens connection

Our €20 just gets us fish and chips for tea, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Our €20 just gets us fish and chips for tea

Cable O'Leary's bar, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Cable O'Leary's bar

The Roving Swan - the world's oldest Seine boat, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

The Roving Swan - the world's oldest Seine boat

Fred runs around, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Fred runs around

There's some rock/trad in Cable O'Leary's, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

There's some rock/trad in Cable O'Leary's

Trad music in the pub, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Trad music in the pub

Outside, Fred kicks around, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Outside, Fred kicks around

Our first view of the beach, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Our first view of the beach

A boat out at sea, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

A boat out at sea

There are palm trees on the beach and everything, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

There are palm trees on the beach and everything

Dancing breaks out in Cable O'Leary's, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Dancing breaks out in Cable O'Leary's

Harry's not impressed by the noise, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Harry's not impressed by the noise

Guitar and fiddle, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

Guitar and fiddle

A drunk dude does some drunk-old-man dancing, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

A drunk dude does some drunk-old-man dancing

There are just a few empty barrels outside, Liverpool to Baile an Sceilg, County Kerry, Ireland - 30th July 2017

There are just a few empty barrels outside

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

The derelict Littlewood's building is spotted

The derelict Littlewood's building is spotted

The epic derelict Littlewood's Building

The J&C Moores Ltd building

The Celtic Corner pub in Liverpool

Chinese takeaway on Green Lane

Liverpool's Catholic cathedral

View of the Anglican cathedral from the steps

The cathedral's central 'wigwam'

Modernist sculpture

The streets of Liverpool through stained glass

Great Orford Street and some basic graffiti

The revamped Albert Dock, near the Liver Building

An epic derelict warehouse

Cleared docks

Derelict wet dock and clock tower

Some of the acres and acres of cleared wasteland

More of the epic derelict warehouse

Clarence Graving (Dry) Dock

Some business cling on near Clarence Graving Dock

An old swing-bridge control room

A warehouse that looks like an aircraft hangar

More derelict warehouses

Down at Liverpool Port

Nosher's room for the night

The Winkies in Dublin Bay at around 5am

The new Poolbeg Generating Station

Poolbeg, near the Winkies

A view from the ferry

Looking up the Liffey

Nosher's car and random other vehicles

The Odlums silos on the docks

Nosher drives through Killarney to kill time

Street and barbershop in Killarney

Farranfore station in the rain, after a car kip

Bridge over the railway at Farranfore

Farranfore station manages to look derelict

Isobel and the boys pile out of Kerry airport

Crowds outside Kerry Airport

Cashing in on the Force Awakens connection

Our €20 just gets us fish and chips for tea

Cable O'Leary's bar

The Roving Swan - the world's oldest Seine boat

Fred runs around

There's some rock/trad in Cable O'Leary's

Trad music in the pub

Outside, Fred kicks around

Our first view of the beach

A boat out at sea

There are palm trees on the beach and everything

Dancing breaks out in Cable O'Leary's

Harry's not impressed by the noise

Guitar and fiddle

A drunk dude does some drunk-old-man dancing

There are just a few empty barrels outside