The Danger of Trees: A Camping (Mis)adventure - Southwold, Suffolk - 3rd August 2015

It was going quite well until Fred fell out of a tree in the beer garden of the Walberswick Bell and broke his arm, requiring a trip in an ambulance down to Ipswich A&E. Before then, on leg two of a week's camping on the coast, there was time for plenty of crabbing down at Blackshore Harbour followed by a late-evening trip to the nearby beach. Then, there's a trip to Mrs. T's fish and chip shop and a meet-up with Caroline and John from Cambridge who happen to be holidaying near Southwold during the same week. After that, it's more crabbing at the harbour, lunch at the Sole Bay Fish Company, and Fred and Harry get a go on "Top Trailer" - an enterprising gang of kids who are hiring out trips round the campsite on their bicycle trailer for only 10p a go. Bargain. And then, it's a date with destiny as we cycle over the bridge for a beer at the Walberswick Bell.

next album: A 1940's Takeover, Eye, Suffolk - 8th August 2015
previous album: The Archaeology of Dunwich: A Camping Trip, Dunwich, Suffolk - 1st August 2015

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The boys meet up in the Red Lion on South Green

The boys meet up in the Red Lion on South Green

Fred and Harry roam around the camp site

Crabbing on the rocks

Over the river to Walberswick

A herring gull lurks on the wheelie bins

The herring hull takes flight from the bins

Fish for sale

A dancing crab in a fish tank

Isobel gets a prawn and mussel snack

Fishermen's huts on Blackshore

The River Blyth

More fishermen's huts

Fred cycles down some steps

Back at the campsite

We head off to the beach

The dunes of Southwold Harbour beach

An evening walk on the beach

Southwold lighthouse and pier

Isobel and a gang of people on the beach

Harry and Fred in their pyjamas

Fred in the sea

Harry is all stripey teeshirt and shades

Isobel and Fred return from a trip to the sea

Harry with a stone

Lighthouse and pier by day

A much-needed windbreak

Our beach encampment

Behind the dunes

A crazy lady chucks chip scraps to the seagulls

The queue outside Mrs. T's fish 'n' chip shop

The boys by the river

Fred gets tangled in a cycle helmet

The road across the common, and the water tower

A touristey horse-and-cart rides around

The boys get ready to play in the sea

Lucas takes Harry in hand

Just as well everyone's got swimming togs on

Harry and Fred are just heads in the sand

Everyone says their goodbyes

Isobel scoops Harry up

Stripey beach hut

Back at the campsite

Harry and Fred on 'Top Trailer'

Fred and Harry get back form their ride

Fred after his ride

Fred gives the whole thing a 'thumbs up'

There's loads of crabbing down at the harbour

Old wooden pile

Harry and Fred inspect for crabs

Fred helps out with a net

The net goes in

Fred hauls in his first crab

The crabs are let go, and scuttle into the river

An actual jellyfish floats around

Harry and Isobel wander off to explore

Fred's new Crab Gang hang on the wall

Inside Sole Bay Fish Company's restaurant

Harry slurps on an orange juice

We order a modest seafood platter for two

Harry says 'hurrah'

More fish

Harry comes out of the secret toilet

Cows on Southwold Common

A nice old Mercedes convertible

An bath with a load of thin rope, like worms

More tangled rope and fishing net

Harry doesn't look too keen on the ferry

On the ferry pontoon

The ferry ticket office

Time for ice cream

Crabbing off a flooded pontoon

There's a nice old MG convertible in the car park

Spot the dog, as it tries to escape from the ferry

Fred on the ferry

The campsiter facilities - 'Some like it hut'

Isobel does the hair monster thing

Fred's up a tree

Harry looks up at Fred

Fred finds a new way to get down from the tree

Fred ends up in an Ambulance

The ambulance outside the Bell

The crew stick on the blue lights for Harry