A pair of horse's arses on Old Broad Street

A pair of horse's arses on Old Broad Street

Old Broad Street is closed off

A police car blocks off access to Bishopsgate

The police allow walkers up Bishopsgate

Hundreds of people stream up the road

People mill around on the closed-off Bishopsgate

The short-stay car park at Stansted

Isobel and The Boys walk in to Stansted Airport

Harry strides up the ramp to the airport

Loads of eyes stare out from a stack of newspapers

Harry's got a 'Mike the Knight' kit

Harry waves his sword and shield about

Fred gets a hug

Harry gets a hug too

Fred roams around with a magazine

Isobel heads off to departures

Isobel in the distance

Fred on the ramp down to the station

Back in the short-stay car park

Jo in the BOCM pavillion at Burston

A photo of the kitchen for some reason

Harry with a piece of paper pizza

Harry chops loads of bits of paper

Harry in the back room

Millie the Mooch photo-bombs

Harry concentrates on making stuff

One of Nosher's pancakes explodes

We set up a tent for something to do

Fred helps dig up a building waste pile

Fred helps out

Fred excavates for lumps of concrete and tile

The old Somerfield building is done up

Down in Diss, the new empty Aldi is exposed

A new path is laid outside Aldi

The new Aldi