Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred gets the honour of the first weekend with "Paul Bear", the class mascot. The obligation is to document each weekend's activities, so to set the bar high enough we take the bear (plus Fred and the rest) for a day at the Holt 1940s Steam Weekend. We then take a steam train up to Sheringham for some fish and chips on the seafront, an activity which is accompanied by the sweet music of a V12 Merlin engine and the Spitfire it's attached to, which does a little display along the coast. Magic.

next album: Fred's Fifth Birthday, The Village Hall, Brome, Suffolk - 28th September 2013
previous album: Fred's First Day, The BBs at Haughley, and the BSCC at the Queen's Head - 15th September 2013

Paul Bear at Archbishop Sancroft school, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear at Archbishop Sancroft school

Fred whizzes around on the new garage floor, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred whizzes around on the new garage floor

The side extension is all Cellotex, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The side extension is all Cellotex

Harry pootles around with a brick tie, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Harry pootles around with a brick tie

Fred steams around, with cape gently flapping, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred steams around, with cape gently flapping

Fred pauses for a posed photo, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred pauses for a posed photo

Fred and the bear on a bus, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred and the bear on a bus

The gang on the top deck of a bus, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The gang on the top deck of a bus

We pile off the Routemaster bus, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

We pile off the Routemaster bus

A pair of Routemaster buses, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A pair of Routemaster buses

Fred peers out through his home-made telescope, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred peers out through his home-made telescope

Isobel and Harry on the train, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Isobel and Harry on the train

Harry gets his hair blown, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Harry gets his hair blown

Thronging crowds at Sheringham station, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Thronging crowds at Sheringham station

Fred and Paul Bear in front of the steam engine, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred and Paul Bear in front of the steam engine

We walk up Sheringham High Street, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

We walk up Sheringham High Street

A Rolls-Royce Phantom II lurks outisde the Lobster, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A Rolls-Royce Phantom II lurks outisde the Lobster

GIs roam around Sheringham, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

GIs roam around Sheringham

Isobel and Fred queue up for Fish and Chips, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Isobel and Fred queue up for Fish and Chips

Wartime motorbikes cruise through town, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Wartime motorbikes cruise through town

An Austin 'Baby' Seven, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

An Austin 'Baby' Seven

The Baby Seven heads to the sea front, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The Baby Seven heads to the sea front

The admiral checks a card, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The admiral checks a card

A wartime policeman, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A wartime policeman

The Austin Seven is parked up, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The Austin Seven is parked up

There's a bunch of RAF types on the front, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

There's a bunch of RAF types on the front

A Spitfire does a flypast, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A Spitfire does a flypast

Fish and Chips on the seafront, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fish and Chips on the seafront

Fred stands on the sea wall, with his hoodie on, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Fred stands on the sea wall, with his hoodie on

Some dude digs for shellfish on the beach, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Some dude digs for shellfish on the beach

1930s-ish beach construction, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

1930s-ish beach construction

Paul Bear on the beach, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear on the beach

The motorbikes are back, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The motorbikes are back

Some 1940s shop workers, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Some 1940s shop workers

Outside Roy Boy's Bunker Café, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Outside Roy Boy's Bunker Café

The packed streets of Sheringham, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The packed streets of Sheringham

There's a speech by the signal box, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

There's a speech by the signal box

The Royal British Legion closing march, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The Royal British Legion closing march

A Speech moment, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A Speech moment

LNER Class B12 8572 at Sheringham, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

LNER Class B12 8572 at Sheringham

Cases and furniture in the guard's/parcel van, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Cases and furniture in the guard's/parcel van

A Mark 1 parcel wagon, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A Mark 1 parcel wagon

Suitcases and furniture, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Suitcases and furniture

Inside a Mark 1 carriage, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Inside a Mark 1 carriage

Sitting on a portable dance floor, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Sitting on a portable dance floor

A Mark 1 TSO coach, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A Mark 1 TSO coach

A bit of 1940s dancing occurs, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A bit of 1940s dancing occurs

On the platform, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

On the platform

The Sheringham station sign, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The Sheringham station sign

US Army gear, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

US Army gear

Steam's up, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Steam's up

Looking out of a carriage, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Looking out of a carriage

Isobel and Harry back on the train, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Isobel and Harry back on the train

Paul Bear sits on a table, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear sits on a table

Harry leans over, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Harry leans over

Isobel and Harry on the train, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Isobel and Harry on the train

A photographer roams around the goods yard, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A photographer roams around the goods yard

Weyborne station, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Weyborne station

Passengers on a train, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Passengers on a train

8572 is back at Holt station, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

8572 is back at Holt station

The back end of a Mark 1 coach, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The back end of a Mark 1 coach

Paul Bear, Harry and a train, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear, Harry and a train

Paul Bear is an engine driver, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear is an engine driver

A self portrait, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A self portrait

An undignified entrance, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

An undignified entrance

A donut van, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

A donut van

US Army types, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

US Army types

An old coach picks up passengers for Sheringham, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

An old coach picks up passengers for Sheringham

The top deck of a Routemaster bus, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

The top deck of a Routemaster bus

Paul Bear looks out, Paul Bear's Adventures at a 1940s Steam Weekend, Holt, Norfolk - 22nd September 2013

Paul Bear looks out

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Paul Bear at Archbishop Sancroft school

Paul Bear at Archbishop Sancroft school

Fred whizzes around on the new garage floor

The side extension is all Cellotex

Harry pootles around with a brick tie

Fred steams around, with cape gently flapping

Fred pauses for a posed photo

Fred and the bear on a bus

The gang on the top deck of a bus

We pile off the Routemaster bus

A pair of Routemaster buses

Fred peers out through his home-made telescope

Isobel and Harry on the train

Harry gets his hair blown

Thronging crowds at Sheringham station

Fred and Paul Bear in front of the steam engine

We walk up Sheringham High Street

A Rolls-Royce Phantom II lurks outisde the Lobster

GIs roam around Sheringham

Isobel and Fred queue up for Fish and Chips

Wartime motorbikes cruise through town

An Austin 'Baby' Seven

The Baby Seven heads to the sea front

The admiral checks a card

A wartime policeman

The Austin Seven is parked up

There's a bunch of RAF types on the front

A Spitfire does a flypast

Fish and Chips on the seafront

Fred stands on the sea wall, with his hoodie on

Some dude digs for shellfish on the beach

1930s-ish beach construction

Paul Bear on the beach

The motorbikes are back

Some 1940s shop workers

Outside Roy Boy's Bunker Café

The packed streets of Sheringham

There's a speech by the signal box

The Royal British Legion closing march

A Speech moment

LNER Class B12 8572 at Sheringham

Cases and furniture in the guard's/parcel van

A Mark 1 parcel wagon

Suitcases and furniture

Inside a Mark 1 carriage

Sitting on a portable dance floor

A Mark 1 TSO coach

A bit of 1940s dancing occurs

On the platform

The Sheringham station sign

US Army gear

Steam's up

Looking out of a carriage

Isobel and Harry back on the train

Paul Bear sits on a table

Harry leans over

Isobel and Harry on the train

A photographer roams around the goods yard

Weyborne station

Passengers on a train

8572 is back at Holt station

The back end of a Mark 1 coach

Paul Bear, Harry and a train

Paul Bear is an engine driver

A self portrait

An undignified entrance

A donut van

US Army types

An old coach picks up passengers for Sheringham

The top deck of a Routemaster bus

Paul Bear looks out