The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

The BBS are playing at Diss Cornhall, where there's plenty of time to hang out in the Green Room upstairs.

next album: Sunday Lunch at the Village Hall, Brome, Suffolk - 3rd February 2013
previous album: Flooding at the King's Bridge, and Lunch at the Beaconsfield Arms, Suffolk - 27th January 2013

Rob roams around as the band sets up, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob roams around as the band sets up

A view of the room from the stage, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

A view of the room from the stage

Max takes a photo, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max takes a photo

Nosher's microphone, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Nosher's microphone

A lighting gantry on the ceiling, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

A lighting gantry on the ceiling

Rob twiddles knobs, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob twiddles knobs

Henry looks a bit glum behind his kit, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Henry looks a bit glum behind his kit

The tables are all set up, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

The tables are all set up

Max and his five-string bass, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max and his five-string bass

Max at the bottom of the steps to the Green Room, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max at the bottom of the steps to the Green Room

Max on the stairs, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max on the stairs

Rob, Henry and Max, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob, Henry and Max

Rob looks for somewhere to hang his gear, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob looks for somewhere to hang his gear

Rob pretends that some tea is cocaine, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob pretends that some tea is cocaine

Jo gets a tenner out to roll up, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Jo gets a tenner out to roll up

Rob's 'gear' on the sink, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob's 'gear' on the sink

Part of the fabric of the Cornhall is revealed, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Part of the fabric of the Cornhall is revealed

A view down the staircase, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

A view down the staircase

Henry warms up on practice pads, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Henry warms up on practice pads

Henry in the Green Room, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Henry in the Green Room

Max guards the stairs, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max guards the stairs

Rob has a slurp, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob has a slurp

Max and Rob share a joke, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Max and Rob share a joke

Rob's Telecaster waits for action, The BBs at The Cornhall, Diss, Norfolk - 31st January 2013

Rob's Telecaster waits for action

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Rob roams around as the band sets up

Rob roams around as the band sets up

A view of the room from the stage

Max takes a photo

Nosher's microphone

A lighting gantry on the ceiling

Rob twiddles knobs

Henry looks a bit glum behind his kit

The tables are all set up

Max and his five-string bass

Max at the bottom of the steps to the Green Room

Max on the stairs

Rob, Henry and Max

Rob looks for somewhere to hang his gear

Rob pretends that some tea is cocaine

Jo gets a tenner out to roll up

Rob's 'gear' on the sink

Part of the fabric of the Cornhall is revealed

A view down the staircase

Henry warms up on practice pads

Henry in the Green Room

Max guards the stairs

Rob has a slurp

Max and Rob share a joke

Rob's Telecaster waits for action