On the Rails, and a Kebab, Stratford and Diss, Norfolk - 31st July 2011

It's a round up of track-side miscellany, including the ongoing construction of the site for the upcoming 2012 Olympics in the former industrial wasteland that is Stratford. Elsewhere, there are some camera-phone photos which have been hanging around for a while, and The BBs are rehearsing in the kitchen.

next album: Barbeque at the Swan Inn, Brome, Suffolk - 5th August 2011
previous album: Mike's Memorial, Prince Hall Hotel, Two Bridges, Dartmoor - 12th July 2011

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

The train to work snakes its way past Stratford

The train to work snakes its way past Stratford

The train, just before Stratford

Piles of broken railway stuff near Stratford

The underground line surfaces at Stratford

A lone Class 66 loco near the aquatics centre

Workers on the line near the swimming centre

The Olympic athletics venue and the Helter-Skelter

The main Olympics atheltics venue

A National Express Class 321

London graffiti

By the railway line, someone's left the phone out

Some signalling gantry has tipped over

Piles of discarded track near Bethnal Green

Near Brick Lane

Some kind of alien pink octopus graffiti monster

Signal boxes near Liverpool Street

The subterranean entrance to Liverpool Street

The ironwork splendour of Liverpool Street

Nosher's train, in National Express livery

Fred's got a bit of strawberry

In the Swan: Sooty's got a crisp-packet hat on

It's standing-room only on the train back

A view over a field somewhere

Istanbul Kebab in Diss

Marc and Phil queue up for a late-night snack

Marc and The Boy Phil

Marc sticks his belly up on the window

Ducks waddle around by the Mere

A duck squares up to Nosher and Fred at the Mere

More ducks

A child's windmill in the breeze

The spangly windmill spins around

The former splendour of Brome Hall

Fred and Isobel peer in to the Oaksmere well

Isobel and Fred in the walled garden at the Oaksmere

Fred stands on a rock

Max and Henry in the kitchen