Beer and Kebabs: Leaving "The Lab", Mill Road, Cambridge - 12th January 2007

It's time, after nearly six-and-a-half years of 3G Lab, Trigenix and finally Qualcomm, to move on to a new job, so in traditional style there's a night on the beer in the Salisbury Arms, off Mill Road, in Cambridge. This is followed by a bit of a feed in "Carlos Kebab King" - which is just as well as the Salisbury's chef had failed to turn up, so all we've had to eat so far is packets of crisps.

next album: Park Life: The Green Room with The BBs, Park Hotel, Diss - 13th January 2007
previous album: The Last Milking at Dairy Farm, Thrandeston, Suffolk - 11th January 2007

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Nosher peers over a desk partition at Qualcomm

Nosher peers over a desk partition at Qualcomm

The A14 is hosed, so it's brake lights all the way

Nosher's sink is a bit of a tip

The chaos of the kitchen

The office is fairly 'tidy' too

Isobel sets up for dinner at the flat

Isobel peers into the frame

A granny gets ready to burn a car out

Classical guitar garffiti on a door

Nosher at his Qualcomm desk

Craig and Nosher in the Green Dragon's beer garden

The Qualcomm gang at the Green Dragon

The gang, and the Green Dragon bridge

James Chew chats to Liam

Craig says something

Hanging around with beer

Dave gets up

Mine's a pint

Nosher does the face

Isobel and Nosher

Back in the Qualcomm office

The engineering department

Zoë looks up

The map of the world

James the IT guy in his office

Isobel, Nosher and Louise

Arun at the bar

Nadine picks her nose; Liviu smiles

Steve appears

Julian, Hani and Nick

Liviu takes a photo of the pub clock

Louise looks up

John Scott gets the beers in

John and Julian at the bar

The Qualcomm crowd grows

The new 10-20mm lens gets the whole pub in

John looks around

Liviu takes a photo of his 'medicinal' mulled wine

Liviu is surprised

Nick pretends to be a bunny rabbit. Lucy giggles


Debs, Lucy and Kat

Nick gets a snog from Jules and Lucy

Jason and Leon

Arun says with fingers what he means

Nosher's kebab in Carlos Kebab King in Mill Road

Julian orders some food

Julian gets a plate of chips in Carlos Kebab King

James, Kat and Debs

Lucy puckers up

There's a good turnout for post-pub food

Isobel eats some chips

Hani, Andy, Zoë, Anne, Arun et al

Cambridge bike chaos on Mill Road