Matthew gets bored of photos, so flips the bird
It's the Magic Numbers at the UEA in Norwich, who demonstrate that they've come a long way in a few months since supporting Ed Harcourt at the Waterfront by playing a storming set from their current album "The Magic Numbers", which nearly blows the roof of the breezeblock bunker that is the UEA's LCR. Then there are more photographs of people doing their thing around the edge of the Mere, in Diss, plus a few photos featuring autumn colour in Nosher's back-garden.
next album: Andrew Leaves Qualcomm, Cambridge - 18th October 2005
previous album: A Trip Around Macclesfield and Sandbach, Cheshire - 10th September 2005
Matthew gets bored of photos, so flips the bird
The Webb Brothers are on stage
The Maginc Numbers' support act, The Webb Brothers
Romeo Stoddart of the Magic Numbers
Michelle Stoddart on bass
Angela Gannon
Thumbs up
Under a blue light
The Magic Numbers on stage
On stage in the Lower Common Room
The support singer joins in
Nosher does some sort of self portrait
Sophie on Vehicle A
The walnut tree
Sophie miaows into a fish-eye lens
Soph-bags is caught in mid-shake with fur flying
Sophie looks out
Down in Diss, the fishing pontoon is repaired
People look out onto the Mere
A family eat some hotdogs from Andy's van
Andy the sausage
An old lady seems fed up with it all
A seagull, caught in flight
Another sausage is consumed
A pigeon pecks at some discarded sausage
Playing on the bike rack
Watching people come-and-go on a bench
An over-exposed old lady on the move
Autumn leaves
Red berries
Winter Wheat pokes out
Soph-bags trundles into view
Green leaves show early signs of autumn
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Matthew gets bored of photos, so flips the bird
The Webb Brothers are on stage
The Maginc Numbers' support act, The Webb Brothers
Romeo Stoddart of the Magic Numbers
Michelle Stoddart on bass
Angela Gannon
Thumbs up
Under a blue light
The Magic Numbers on stage
On stage in the Lower Common Room
The support singer joins in
Nosher does some sort of self portrait
Sophie on Vehicle A
The walnut tree
Sophie miaows into a fish-eye lens
Soph-bags is caught in mid-shake with fur flying
Sophie looks out
Down in Diss, the fishing pontoon is repaired
People look out onto the Mere
A family eat some hotdogs from Andy's van
Andy the sausage
An old lady seems fed up with it all
A seagull, caught in flight
Another sausage is consumed
A pigeon pecks at some discarded sausage
Playing on the bike rack
Watching people come-and-go on a bench
An over-exposed old lady on the move
Autumn leaves
Red berries
Winter Wheat pokes out
Soph-bags trundles into view
Green leaves show early signs of autumn