Ninja M, Gov and Wavy

Ninja M, Gov and Wavy

We discuss the route near Tannington

The bike gang

At the bar in the Mill, Saxstead

More action in the Saxtead Mill

Suey and Jen show their hands

Alan looks up as we head off again

DH and Apple look at a display cabinet

Gov takes a photo of Nosher, Jen and Wavy

Gov does a photo of Paul

Bill in the 'sports bar' part of the Railway

The Boy Phil and the gang do a quiz machine

Wavy has a laff

The group consults some sort of map

Beer pumps at The Station in Framlingham

People in the Station Hotel bar

Suey interacts with a dog

Apple looks up

DH eats a bit of salad

A pub dog dozes on the floor of the Station Hotel

Suey, Jen, Bill and Wavy

Dodgy singing ensues in a pub backroom

Paul in the emptying pub

Suey leans over the bar

A close-up of an insect on Apple's thumb

Apple looks over

Marc's got a beer

DH repairs a puncture in his pencil-thin tyre

More bike repairs outside the Castle Inn

Marc in the Castle Inn, Framlingham

Marc looks glum

Phil laughs at Suey's two-strand roll up

DH smokes his roll-up

The Boy Phil watches footy on the telly

Marc's half asleep

Wavy in his rainbow jumper watches TV

At the Framlingham Fish Bar

Marc finds it all very amusing

Gov and the gang outside the chipper

Gov shows off the chicken mascot 'Cluck'

Hanging around on Love Lane

The gang loiter outside the chip-shop