Nosher's Family History - 1980-1985

There aren't that many photos of the early 1980s, but at least there are a couple of the Arnewood Jazz Orchestra (AJO) - a school-based big band which got good enough to be vaguely famous in Hampshire and Dorset, recording a proper tape at 2CR radio studios in Bournemouth, and appearing twice on local TV and several times on radio.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Nosher's Family History - 1880-1955
previous album: A Walk Around Lymington, and Luke Leaves Qualcomm Cambridge - 13th March 2005

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Claire Campbell and Simon Eales in the lounge at 61 Barton Court Avenue

Claire Campbell and Simon Eales in the lounge at 61 Barton Court Avenue

Nosher's Arnewood School photo, aged around 14

Nosher and Sis with Mother at Danesbury Avenue

Nosher in a 'Beau Brummel' suit at Mother's wedding, Beaulieu

Sis, Grandmother, Caroline, Mother, Neil and Andy Campbell

Little Granny gets in the photo

In the reception, on Grand National day, April 1983

Playing the guitar in the granparent's lounge

We meet some horses somewhere

Washing the Minis at Barton Court Avenue

Part of the AJO at Arnewood School

Nosher on piano, Ray Mitchell on drums, Simon Strange on trombone