The main character, Tevye

The main character, Tevye

Tevye asks why

Bill, as Perchik, looks over

Tevye and Perchik

A curtain call

Peter Allen in the Yaxley Cherry Tree

Ian and Mrs C

The house in snow

The back field and the chicken-shit power station

More snow on the back field

The Oaksmere/Cornwallis, looking a bit sad

Another dusting of snow on the back garden

The crows wheel around above the Oaksmere trees

The Boy Phil and Wavy in the Mellis Railway

The lads are deep in thought

Bill, Wavy and Ninja M

In the Railway

Alan Warren is at the bar

Bill and Phil do some answers

Bill checks the results

The Railway quiz master

Bill looks cold

We bump into Pauline and Graham

A wheelbarrow by the greenhouse

Soph bags is on the old gold Astra again

Ice crystals on the greenhouse

A wheelbarrow full of dead growbags

The Sock roams around with a massive frizz on

The Sock perches on a post

The Sock gets a light dusting of sow

Sophie up a tree

The Sock near the neighbours' new outhouse