3G Lab at Jools Holland, Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex - 25th July 2004

First up, there's a bit of a trombone session at Dave Read's in Cambridge on a Monday, along with an overdone pizza for tea. That's followed by a company outing to see Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra in the grounds of Audley End House, on one of the few balmy nights of the year, with a band featuring the singing talents of Sam Browne and Ruby Turner, plus a 12-person horn section. There's also a photo of Nosher's trusty Mark 2 Astra turning the clock at 200,000 miles, having bought it second-hand with around 95,000 on the clock. That's pretty good for a 1.3 engine, and not bad for a car which cost £600.

next album: The BSCC in Debenham, and Bill's Housewarming Barbie, Yaxley, Suffolk - 31st July 2004
previous album: The BSCC Annual Sponsored Bike Ride, The Cottage, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich - 18th July 2004

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Dave has slightly overdone his pizza

Dave has slightly overdone his pizza

The brulee pizza is hacked into pieces

Dave waves some music around

A couple of trombones in action

The Sock lounges on the office window

Vehicle A - a 1300cc Astra - clocks 200,000 miles

3G Lab/Trigenix and its gazebo

We lounge around in the sun

Nosher gets a sporg, which kicks off immediately

Carmella and Craig

Nick and Steve

The Trigenix pitch

The crowds at Audley End

Andrew has a particularly loud shirt on

Steve looks up

Francis gets a head-full of balloons

The band and its massive horn section

There's some kind of trumpet solo

Jools Holland does his thing

Some of the crowd