Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish's dental-college mates are having a party somewhere in Oxford. Nosher rocks up early in the day to hang out with Hamish and his Dutch friend, for a bit of a roam around the Oxford colleges before the party kicks off.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Earlham Classics, Earlham Park, Norwich, Norfolk - 9th May 1992
previous album: Printec Kelly's Wedding, Eye, Suffolk - 25th April 1992

The Bridge of Sighs, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

The Bridge of Sighs

Milling around outside the Radcliffe Library, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Milling around outside the Radcliffe Library

Hamish looks out over Oxford, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish looks out over Oxford

Up on a church tower, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Up on a church tower

The Radcliffe Library, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

The Radcliffe Library

Oxford colleges, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Oxford colleges

More Oxford colleges, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

More Oxford colleges

Another aerial view, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Another aerial view

Stipey grass by the Radcliffe Library, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Stipey grass by the Radcliffe Library

The roof of the Radcliffe Library, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

The roof of the Radcliffe Library

More colleges, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

More colleges

Gargoyles, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992


Walking around by the Radcliffe Library, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Walking around by the Radcliffe Library

In a pub garden, under a cover of blossom, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

In a pub garden, under a cover of blossom

Party crowd, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Party crowd

Hamish mixes up cocktails, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish mixes up cocktails

The action in the kitchen, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

The action in the kitchen

Dutch and Hamish, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Dutch and Hamish

More of Hamish's dentist massive, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

More of Hamish's dentist massive

Hamish leans over, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish leans over

Hamish tips drink all over his face, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish tips drink all over his face

Hamish talks at people, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish talks at people

Talk to the hand, the waistcoat aint listenin', Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Talk to the hand, the waistcoat aint listenin'

Hamish and a tall chum, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish and a tall chum

Hamish holds up a plastic duck, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Hamish holds up a plastic duck

More Hamish, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

More Hamish

Party girls, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Party girls

Party chatter, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Party chatter

Bluebells at Lynford Stag, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Bluebells at Lynford Stag

Bluebells on the Mundford Road, Hamish's Oxford Party, Oxfordshire - 25th April 1992

Bluebells on the Mundford Road

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

The Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs

Milling around outside the Radcliffe Library

Hamish looks out over Oxford

Up on a church tower

The Radcliffe Library

Oxford colleges

More Oxford colleges

Another aerial view

Stipey grass by the Radcliffe Library

The roof of the Radcliffe Library

More colleges


Walking around by the Radcliffe Library

In a pub garden, under a cover of blossom

Party crowd

Hamish mixes up cocktails

The action in the kitchen

Dutch and Hamish

More of Hamish's dentist massive

Hamish leans over

Hamish tips drink all over his face

Hamish talks at people

Talk to the hand, the waistcoat aint listenin'

Hamish and a tall chum

Hamish holds up a plastic duck

More Hamish

Party girls

Party chatter

Bluebells at Lynford Stag

Bluebells on the Mundford Road