A garden is created with some new turf

A garden is created with some new turf

The Stables with its new turf micro-lawn

The flowers in the new garden start to appear

The garden and shed

Loading up on the back of the van

Bernie with shades on

Brenda does a head count

Keith is laid back as we leave the drive

On the road somewhere

The gang on the back of a van

Kipper looks around

Striding purposefully with a stick

The gang on a lane somewhere

Monique strides across a field

Down a leafy lane

A refreshment stop, between Thrandeston and Stuston

There's a group photo down the lane

A bit of horshoe action takes place

Bernie seems to be taking it seriously

Time for a barbeque

Relaxing in the garden

Local radio DJ David Hoffman chews on something

A field of unripe wheat

A sunset somewhere

A field of barley