Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

After the end of the fourth and final year of polytechnic, Nosher's back in Bransgore. Angela comes for a visit too, but because there's a load of building work going on at The Willows, Nosher and Angela end up in a tent somewhere else in Bransgore. Meanwhile, Hamish and Phil pitch in to help with a little summer pruning in Mother and Mike's vineyard - Harrow. It's not that common to get to work on a vineyard in England, so to be poking around amongst the Muller Thurgau, Bacchus and Seyval Blanc vines - often whilst listening to something suitably pastoral like Elgar on the Sony Walkman - is always pretty cool.

next album: A Walk in the New Forest, Hampshire - 27th July 1989
previous album: Back from Uni: Yarmouth, Alum Bay and Barton-on-sea, Hampshire - 23rd July 1989

Liz is spotted in an office in Bransgore, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Liz is spotted in an office in Bransgore

Hamish opens the boot of his car, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Hamish opens the boot of his car

Phil kicks back in his Wolseley, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Phil kicks back in his Wolseley

Angela takes a photo, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Angela takes a photo

Nosher, Hamish and Angela and Phil's car, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Nosher, Hamish and Angela and Phil's car

Angela sits in her car as Phil slurps, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Angela sits in her car as Phil slurps

Phil and Nosher - with two hats for some reason, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Phil and Nosher - with two hats for some reason

Hamish whips Angela's top off, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Hamish whips Angela's top off

A view of the whole vineyard, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

A view of the whole vineyard

Phil climbs a tree, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Phil climbs a tree

Hamish in the vines, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Hamish in the vines

Phil's brother - Chris - does some pruning, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Phil's brother - Chris - does some pruning

An accidental shot of Angela and some vines, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

An accidental shot of Angela and some vines

More vine adjustments are made, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

More vine adjustments are made

The Three Tuns pub in Bransgore, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

The Three Tuns pub in Bransgore

Phil's on one knee outside the Three Tuns, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Phil's on one knee outside the Three Tuns

Angela eats a Ginsters pasty, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Angela eats a Ginsters pasty

Nosher in a tent, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Nosher in a tent

Angela in a tent, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Angela in a tent

Tent city in Bransgore, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Tent city in Bransgore

Nosher and Angela with Mike and Mother, Back From Uni: Summer Pruning, Bransgore, Dorset - 25th July 1989

Nosher and Angela with Mike and Mother

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Liz is spotted in an office in Bransgore

Liz is spotted in an office in Bransgore

Hamish opens the boot of his car

Phil kicks back in his Wolseley

Angela takes a photo

Nosher, Hamish and Angela and Phil's car

Angela sits in her car as Phil slurps

Phil and Nosher - with two hats for some reason

Hamish whips Angela's top off

A view of the whole vineyard

Phil climbs a tree

Hamish in the vines

Phil's brother - Chris - does some pruning

An accidental shot of Angela and some vines

More vine adjustments are made

The Three Tuns pub in Bransgore

Phil's on one knee outside the Three Tuns

Angela eats a Ginsters pasty

Nosher in a tent

Angela in a tent

Tent city in Bransgore

Nosher and Angela with Mike and Mother