A Vineyard Miscellany, Bransgore and the New Forest - 18th July 1986

Mother's new geezer Mike has a vineyard, so there's a chance to do some pruning at Harrow in Bransgore. There's also the usual stuff like trips to walk Hamish's dog Geordie on Wilverley Plain in the New Forest.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Harvester Way Randomness, Lymington, Hampshire - 19th July 1986
previous album: A CB Radio Party, Stem Lane, New Milton - 15th July 1986

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Hamish and Geordie wrestle

Hamish and Geordie wrestle

Geordie jumps around


Hamish pulls out a cloth peg bag

Some dude in the park at Bournemouth

A baby gets fed in Bournemouth

A sprog chases pigeons

Reading a book

Gaye Stubbs in the Three Tuns at Bransgore

Gaye Stubbs behind the bar

The vines of Harrow Vineyard

The vines of Harrow

A decrepit Nissen hut near the vineyard

Dark skies over the field next to the vineyard

Curious cows stand at the gate

A cow looks up

More cows

Hamish helps out with pruning the vines

Hamish with some pruners

Geordie in a river

Hamish with a flying disc on his head

Geordie runs around on Wilverley Plain

Hamish and Geordie on Wilverley Plain

Geordie looks back

Geordie in the heather