Uni: The PPSU "Jazz" RAG Review and Charity Auction, Plymouth, Devon - 19th February 1986

As part of PPSU's RAG week festivites, there is a RAG Revue being held down in the Students' Union.

next album: Uni: No Chance Fowler! A student Demonstration, London - 26th February 1986
previous album: Uni: Music Nights and the RAG Ball, Plymouth, Devon - 18th February 1986

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Some top-hat and tails dancers

Some top-hat and tails dancers

Someone does a speech

Roy gets a hug

Somebody does the Levi's launderette advert

The Levi's dude gets his jeans off

A band does its thing

Mark Wilkins has a cone on his head

Mark Wilkins shows a bit of leg

The SU executive are in bedsheets

SU execs in togas

Rich Arnold uses his cone as a megaphone

Mark with a cone

Mark Wilkins looks surprised

More toga action

Roy auctions off another toga

Martin's in a toga now

Martin again

Roy on the mic

Roy Gardiner does some more auctioneering

Ian Dunwoody does a turn

A punk band on stage

Alison Fleming is on stage with Roy

Karen gets ready to be sold as a slave

Roy Gardiner points past Karen the slave

Roy speaks to the room

Someone else is up for sale

Martin's on the mic

There's a naked balloon dance on stage

There's a spot of naked balloon dancing

The balloon dance gets risqué

Some sort of prize draw occurs

Dunwoody dresses up as a sperm

Dunwoody is about to fertilize an egg

Martin and Alison do the raffle

A singer gives it some

A custard boat race and a falling table

Dunwoody leads the custard race

Another band

Drumming action

Guitar action

There's yet another drummer on stage

Alison and Roy

Guitar action

Ian Dunwoody's got the yellow pages

Dunwoody with his phone book

Rich Arnold has some balloon balls

A couple of gnomes on the SU stairs