Uni: The Fly Christmas Party and BABS Panto, Plymouth Polytechnic, Devon - December 11th 1985

It's the BA Business Studies course end-of-year panto, held up in the GTB canteen, where Nosher is on keyboard duties as part of the "house band". Then, it's Christmas drinks in the Fly office. Fly was the student newspaper, run in this academic year by Information and Communications Office (I&CO) Mark Wilkins, who went on to become SU president the following year.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Uni: Beaumont Street Decorations and Water Fight, Plymouth - 14th December 1985
previous album: Uni: A Central Park Fair and City Street Life, Plymouth - 20th October 1985

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Brian Smith, lecturer, sits back

Brian Smith, lecturer, sits back

The dudes from Students' Union TV (SUTV)

Rik, Angela, Andy and Dave

Don King pretends to be Aladdin or something

Some green panto frog action

The band does its thing after the panto

Brian Smith and an 80s girl

The Students' Union Pyramid in the snow

Mark looks surprised

Dai Edwards in the print room

Dai again

Merv gets a bottle of champagne

Hanging out in the Fly office

Mark Wilkins with a bike helmet on

Mark passes over a demijohn of homebrew

Mark offers Sam Kennedy a bag of Wotsits

In-depth discussions

In Mark's office

Karen is happy about something

A giggling fit occurs

Karen has a sleep

Alison and Sam have a snog

Gurning action

Some curious moves in the layout room

Grant gets bundled

Grant gets de-bagged, with help from Karen

There's a bundle on the floor of the layout room

Sam tries to protect his parts

Nosher in grey

Nosher: boy in grey

Dai Edwards

Frank and Barbera, from Psychology

Dave Lock cues up in the SU games room

Barbara and Malcom stop off at Ford Cottage

Sean skates around Westover Ice Rink

Sean skates on one leg