On the tracks near London

On the tracks near London

Some new tags appear in Tower Hamlets

Very colourful graffiti on a substation

A silver tag - Sife

A stack of new railway tracks

A new tower block goes up near Stratford

Some ancient Brake/Bake graffiti

The derelict building on the river at Stratford

Longboats on the Regent Canal

A pile of old sleepers

The streets of Mile End

There's a big tyre collection by Kenton House

Malcolm Road in Mile End

A heavily-tagged graffiti wall

Cool moss grows up through a bench

Isobel and Harry in the Oaksmere

Fred and Harry by the pirate ship

Isobel outside the Wortwell Bell

The Wortwell Bell

Suey looks at the snack collection

Suey, Pippa and Marticle at the bar

Isobel and the BSCC in the Wortwell Bell