Graffiti on a wall in Stowmarket Rec

Graffiti on a wall in Stowmarket Rec

Skate park graffiti on a wall

Isobel on Tavern Street in Stowmarket

A classic late-1940s Post Office

The derelict Shoezone on Ipswich Street

Isobel considers a stack of chocolates in Asda

The band's on stage in the Railway Tavern

The pub is filling up

Andy conducts the audience in a carol verse

We stake out some panto signs outside Eye

Isobel on Cranley Green Road

It's flooded again by the King's Bridges

A skeleton drives a jeep in Morrison's car park

A Willy's Jeep in Morrisons

There are a lot of pigeons and doves by the bogs

There's a cormorant on the Mere

Another bird explosion over the Mere

Pride Animal Rescue is all boarded up