Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Jen has a party, partly because it's Hallowe'en, and partly because Sarah is off travelling for several months. It's optional fancy dress, and Suey goes as "the corpse bride", whilst The Mikey P Massive puts on loads of make-up to look like the devil. However, the scariest thing turns out to be Jen's punch.

next album: CISU Networks and Autumn Leaves at Norwich Cathedral, Eye and Norwich - 29th October 2005
previous album: Disused Cambridge Railway, Milton Road, Cambridge - 28th October 2005

Mikey-P gets his trident out, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Mikey-P gets his trident out

The kitchen crowd, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

The kitchen crowd

Suey roams around, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Suey roams around

Jess and Will, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Jess and Will

Mikey P and The Boy Phil, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Mikey P and The Boy Phil

Enough said..., Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Enough said...

It's a major balloon-fest, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

It's a major balloon-fest

Marc gets to grips with a staticky balloon, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Marc gets to grips with a staticky balloon

The Boy Phil and Clare, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

The Boy Phil and Clare

Clare and Mikey P, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Clare and Mikey P

Scoobs is let in to hoover around for a few minutes, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Scoobs is let in to hoover around for a few minutes

Simon gets a kiss, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Simon gets a kiss

Mikey-P shows his stomach, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Mikey-P shows his stomach

Simon's got a witche's hat on, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Simon's got a witche's hat on

Jen with a witch's hat, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Jen with a witch's hat

Sarah finds something amusing, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Sarah finds something amusing

Secret whispers, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Secret whispers

Mikey-P sticks his horns up his nose, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Mikey-P sticks his horns up his nose

A glacier has appeared in Jen's fridge, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

A glacier has appeared in Jen's fridge

Will's got a strange pink thing, Jen's Hallowe'en Party and Sazzle's Leaving Do, Mission Road, Diss - 28th October 2005

Will's got a strange pink thing

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Mikey-P gets his trident out

Mikey-P gets his trident out

The kitchen crowd

Suey roams around

Jess and Will

Mikey P and The Boy Phil

Enough said...

It's a major balloon-fest

Marc gets to grips with a staticky balloon

The Boy Phil and Clare

Clare and Mikey P

Scoobs is let in to hoover around for a few minutes

Simon gets a kiss

Mikey-P shows his stomach

Simon's got a witche's hat on

Jen with a witch's hat

Sarah finds something amusing

Secret whispers

Mikey-P sticks his horns up his nose

A glacier has appeared in Jen's fridge

Will's got a strange pink thing