Dave Read Leaves the Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave Read, the one-time intern who joined back in the days of 3G Lab and the shed at Wennington, leaves to go to music college in London. In celebration, he sets up the "soft play area" to be like a jazz club, and gets Nosher along to accompany on piano as he plays a few tunes on the "slushpump". First, Diss Publishing finally completes its long-awaited extension after a million years of building, and then the BBs have a practice session in the youth club. Later in the week, it's the actual performance of Gislingham Player's Pop Idol-themed murder/mystery thing.

next album: The Pennine Way: Lost on Kinder Scout, Derbyshire - 9th October 2005
previous album: The BSCC Presentation and a Murder Mystery, Brome and Gislingham, Suffolk- 6th October 2005

The almost-completed Diss Publishing extension, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The almost-completed Diss Publishing extension

Diss Publishing's new extension, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Diss Publishing's new extension

The BBs tune up down at the youth club, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The BBs tune up down at the youth club

Jo reads some lyrics from an internet printout, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Jo reads some lyrics from an internet printout

Rob and Henry, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Rob and Henry

Max gives Nosher a look, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Max gives Nosher a look

Jo sings, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Jo sings

Jo and Rob, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Jo and Rob

Strange pylons on Cambridge Science Park, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Strange pylons on Cambridge Science Park

Sunset over Wetherden, Suffolk, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Sunset over Wetherden, Suffolk

Nick and Stef at Qualcomm Cambridge, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Nick and Stef at Qualcomm Cambridge

Dave Berry gives Dave Read a send-off speech, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave Berry gives Dave Read a send-off speech

Café society at Qualcomm Cambridge, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Café society at Qualcomm Cambridge

Dave presents an envelope, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave presents an envelope

Dave and Nosher play some tunes, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave and Nosher play some tunes

Dave carries his trombone around, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave carries his trombone around

Dave with trombone, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave with trombone

Dave Berry's impressed, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Dave Berry's impressed

Suey and Marc in Gislingham Village Hall, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Suey and Marc in Gislingham Village Hall

Some other in-theme guests, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Some other in-theme guests

Ozzy Osborne, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Ozzy Osborne

Wavy leans over, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Wavy leans over

The scene 'on board' the ship, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The scene 'on board' the ship

Some sort of 60s rock star, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Some sort of 60s rock star

The naval crew, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The naval crew

There's hanging around amongst the ratings, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

There's hanging around amongst the ratings

The ship's captain, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The ship's captain

Someone looks over, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Someone looks over

Someone from Strictly Come Dancing or something, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Someone from Strictly Come Dancing or something

Adam Ant, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Adam Ant

Marc reads some stuff, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Marc reads some stuff

There's a load of singing, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

There's a load of singing

More singing on stage, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

More singing on stage

The Beatles, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The Beatles

Bill looks surprised, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

Bill looks surprised

The whole village hall is singing, Dave Read Leaves The Lab, Diss Publishing, The BBs and Murder, Diss and Cambridge - 7th October 2005

The whole village hall is singing

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

The almost-completed Diss Publishing extension

The almost-completed Diss Publishing extension

Diss Publishing's new extension

The BBs tune up down at the youth club

Jo reads some lyrics from an internet printout

Rob and Henry

Max gives Nosher a look

Jo sings

Jo and Rob

Strange pylons on Cambridge Science Park

Sunset over Wetherden, Suffolk

Nick and Stef at Qualcomm Cambridge

Dave Berry gives Dave Read a send-off speech

Café society at Qualcomm Cambridge

Dave presents an envelope

Dave and Nosher play some tunes

Dave carries his trombone around

Dave with trombone

Dave Berry's impressed

Suey and Marc in Gislingham Village Hall

Some other in-theme guests

Ozzy Osborne

Wavy leans over

The scene 'on board' the ship

Some sort of 60s rock star

The naval crew

There's hanging around amongst the ratings

The ship's captain

Someone looks over

Someone from Strictly Come Dancing or something

Adam Ant

Marc reads some stuff

There's a load of singing

More singing on stage

The Beatles

Bill looks surprised

The whole village hall is singing