The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Nosher's band, The BBs, play at a wedding of a friend of the lead singer, Jo. It's a great night: nice garden location, Andy the Sausage Dude from Diss and a good crowd. A few days later, The BSCC is out on a Thursday bike ride to The Cross Keys at Redgrave, where The Boy Phil has to scoop up an escaped lamb and stick it back in its field, on the road from South Lopham.

next album: The BSCC Annual Sponsored Bike Ride, The Cottage, Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich - 18th July 2004
previous album: A Postcard From Manila: a Working Trip, Philippines - 9th July 2004

A random photo of Suey, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

A random photo of Suey

Marc and Suey have a snog moment, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Marc and Suey have a snog moment

The gardens, and the wedding car, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

The gardens, and the wedding car

Jo holds some cabling up, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Jo holds some cabling up

Jo has a laff about something, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Jo has a laff about something

Henry and Rob set up, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Henry and Rob set up

The garden, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

The garden

Our stage for the night, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Our stage for the night

Jo hangs around as Rob sets monitors up, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Jo hangs around as Rob sets monitors up

Henry looks pained, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Henry looks pained

Jo's ready in her feather boa, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Jo's ready in her feather boa

Weddings guests mingle in the garden, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Weddings guests mingle in the garden

Andy the sausage does a good trade in hotdogs, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Andy the sausage does a good trade in hotdogs

Jo and Max, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Jo and Max

Rob shows off some photos, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Rob shows off some photos

Max looks over as Jo and Rob do 'Summertime', The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Max looks over as Jo and Rob do 'Summertime'

Wedding dancing, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Wedding dancing

Andy Sausage has a beer, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Andy Sausage has a beer

A sparkler moment, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

A sparkler moment

The Boy Phil scoops up an escaped lamb, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

The Boy Phil scoops up an escaped lamb

Cocoa plays accordion, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Cocoa plays accordion

Bill, Jackie and The Boy Phil, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Bill, Jackie and The Boy Phil

Charlie Haylock gets his rhythm box out, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Charlie Haylock gets his rhythm box out

Charlie Haylock strings up the rhythm box, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Charlie Haylock strings up the rhythm box

Charlie Haylock and a scratch folk band, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Charlie Haylock and a scratch folk band

A couple of mandolins, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

A couple of mandolins

Another accordion player, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Another accordion player

Bill, Phil and Jackie, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

Bill, Phil and Jackie

The folk band, The BBs do a Wedding Gig and the BSCC go Sheep Rustling, Gislingham and Redgrave, Suffolk - 10th July 2004

The folk band

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

A random photo of Suey

A random photo of Suey

Marc and Suey have a snog moment

The gardens, and the wedding car

Jo holds some cabling up

Jo has a laff about something

Henry and Rob set up

The garden

Our stage for the night

Jo hangs around as Rob sets monitors up

Henry looks pained

Jo's ready in her feather boa

Weddings guests mingle in the garden

Andy the sausage does a good trade in hotdogs

Jo and Max

Rob shows off some photos

Max looks over as Jo and Rob do 'Summertime'

Wedding dancing

Andy Sausage has a beer

A sparkler moment

The Boy Phil scoops up an escaped lamb

Cocoa plays accordion

Bill, Jackie and The Boy Phil

Charlie Haylock gets his rhythm box out

Charlie Haylock strings up the rhythm box

Charlie Haylock and a scratch folk band

A couple of mandolins

Another accordion player

Bill, Phil and Jackie

The folk band