London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Nosher goes to another of Nigel Mukherjee's parties in Lancaster Gate, London, before heading off to Plymouth.

next album: A Night In The Swan Inn, Brome, Suffolk - 1st November 1993
previous album: Jim's Stag Day and a Stripper, Brome Swan, Suffolk - 17th July 1993

Some sort of dancing occurs in Nigel's place, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Some sort of dancing occurs in Nigel's place

More dancing, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

More dancing

Fungus in the garden, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Fungus in the garden

Mother talks to Watson, the Weimaraner, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Mother talks to Watson, the Weimaraner

Mother sits at a table, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Mother sits at a table

Holmes, the English Setter, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Holmes, the English Setter

Watson, asleep, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Watson, asleep

Watson asleep again, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Watson asleep again

Watson and Holmes together, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Watson and Holmes together

Dartmoor trees, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Dartmoor trees

Mike fishes Watson out of the river, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Mike fishes Watson out of the river

A river scene, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

A river scene

A rock pool, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

A rock pool

A waterfall, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

A waterfall

The river at the bottom of the valley, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

The river at the bottom of the valley

Farm buildings in Hoo Meavy, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Farm buildings in Hoo Meavy

Mike is assaulted by the dogs, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Mike is assaulted by the dogs

Watson looks around, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

Watson looks around

There's a street market near Liverpool Street, London Party and a Trip to Mother's, Hoo Meavy, Devon - 5th August 1993

There's a street market near Liverpool Street

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Some sort of dancing occurs in Nigel's place

Some sort of dancing occurs in Nigel's place

More dancing

Fungus in the garden

Mother talks to Watson, the Weimaraner

Mother sits at a table

Holmes, the English Setter

Watson, asleep

Watson asleep again

Watson and Holmes together

Dartmoor trees

Mike fishes Watson out of the river

A river scene

A rock pool

A waterfall

The river at the bottom of the valley

Farm buildings in Hoo Meavy

Mike is assaulted by the dogs

Watson looks around

There's a street market near Liverpool Street