Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

It's back to Polytechnic after the Christmas break, and Riki (who's one of the few with an actual car) drives some of the lads over to Badger's Holt and on to Venford Resevoir, on the east moor near Holne.

next album: Uni: The Pirate RAG Hit Squad, Plymouth Polytechnic, Devon - 8th February 1987
previous album: Christmas with Neil and Caroline, Burton, Dorset - 25th December 1986

A misty view over downtown Plymouth, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

A misty view over downtown Plymouth

Civic Centre, Money Centre and Science Block, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Civic Centre, Money Centre and Science Block

A fiery sunset, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

A fiery sunset

The bridge at Badger's Holt, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

The bridge at Badger's Holt

A Dartmoor scene, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

A Dartmoor scene

Riki stares at a river, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Riki stares at a river

A Dartmoor stream, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

A Dartmoor stream

Riki and Andy sit on the rocks and watch the river, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Riki and Andy sit on the rocks and watch the river

Riki and Andy, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Riki and Andy

Dave 'Trotsky' Mallett sits on a granite outcrop, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Dave 'Trotsky' Mallett sits on a granite outcrop

A blurry Dave on the rocks, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

A blurry Dave on the rocks

Riki climbs some rocks, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Riki climbs some rocks

Riki sits on a rock, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Riki sits on a rock

Chris and Dave on the top of a tor, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Chris and Dave on the top of a tor

Andy tries a life belt (and put it back afterwards), Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Andy tries a life belt (and put it back afterwards)

Venford resevoir, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Venford resevoir

Bare trees, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Bare trees

Andy Bray, Chris Beard and Riki Stewart, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

Andy Bray, Chris Beard and Riki Stewart

The lads pile over a stile, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

The lads pile over a stile

The placid waters of Venford, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

The placid waters of Venford

The Church Inn at Holne, Uni: A Trip to Venford Resevoir, Dartmoor, Devon - 18th January 1987

The Church Inn at Holne

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

A misty view over downtown Plymouth

A misty view over downtown Plymouth

Civic Centre, Money Centre and Science Block

A fiery sunset

The bridge at Badger's Holt

A Dartmoor scene

Riki stares at a river

A Dartmoor stream

Riki and Andy sit on the rocks and watch the river

Riki and Andy

Dave 'Trotsky' Mallett sits on a granite outcrop

A blurry Dave on the rocks

Riki climbs some rocks

Riki sits on a rock

Chris and Dave on the top of a tor

Andy tries a life belt (and put it back afterwards)

Venford resevoir

Bare trees

Andy Bray, Chris Beard and Riki Stewart

The lads pile over a stile

The placid waters of Venford

The Church Inn at Holne